A new video from Pat Condell:
See also:
We need an inquiry into anti-Islam press
'Honour' attack numbers revealed by UK police forces
3,500 girls are at risk of mutilation in the capital
Child abuse claims at UK madrassas 'tip of iceberg'
Derby men jailed for giving out gay death call leaflets
'Rise in female genital mutilation' in London
British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws
Children's minister: Asian communities hampering child sex inquiries
Islington girls forced into marriage at the age of nine
London School of Economics Passes Anti-Blasphemy Law
Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule
Islamist stops university debate with threats of violence
Sharia Law and Middle Class Feminism
BBC reveals huge scale of honour attacks in Britain, fails to mention the word “Islam”
The Mecca of the city: In a London street, the faithful find a way to pray as their mosque overflows
Thinktank issues new report on madrasas
University campuses are 'hotbeds of Islamic extremism'